Mount Merrion Parish Community Centre (MMPCC)

Position of Manager of Centre The Parish Priest and Management Committee invite applications for the position of Manager of the Centre MMPCC is owned and managed by the Catholic Parish of St Therese, Mount Merrion. The objective of the Parish Centre is to build up...

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‘The Lord will reign for ever!’ 

The reign of the Lord glorified in today’s Psalm is a kingdom of justice for the oppressed. The other readings, too, all focus on God’s loving concern for the poor, the weak and the powerless. In the First Reading, a destitute Gentile widow gives to Elijah all that...

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“During the Holy Year,” the Pope has prayed, “may the light of Christian hope enlighten every man and woman, as a message of God’s love addressed to all! And may the Church bear faithful witness to this message in every part of the world!” Pope Francis invited us to pray, to prepare ourselves throughout this year, so that this Jubilee may “strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.” “If God can visit us, even when our hearts seem like a lowly manger, we can truly say: Hope is not dead; hope is alive and it embraces our lives forever!”






Mount Merrion Parish Community Centre (MMPCC)

Position of Manager of Centre The Parish Priest and Management Committee invite applications for the position of Manager of the Centre MMPCC is owned and managed by the Catholic Parish of St Therese, Mount Merrion. The objective of the Parish Centre is to build up...

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‘The Lord will reign for ever!’ 

The reign of the Lord glorified in today’s Psalm is a kingdom of justice for the oppressed. The other readings, too, all focus on God’s loving concern for the poor, the weak and the powerless. In the First Reading, a destitute Gentile widow gives to Elijah all that...

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Mount Merrion Parish Community Centre (MMPCC)

Position of Manager of Centre The Parish Priest and Management Committee invite applications for the position of Manager of the Centre MMPCC is owned and managed by the Catholic Parish of St Therese, Mount Merrion. The objective of the Parish Centre is to build up...


We have a dynamic Parish Team including the priests, sacristan and Parish Office.

Supporting them is the Parish Pastoral Council as well as a 300 strong group of volunteers who work with the Group Coordination Team to help with the running of the Parish.

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Mount Merrion is a vibrant Parish. With over 300 volunteers serving in a wide variety of ways it is a welcoming community of over 2,800 households clustered around the Church on the hill.

We have a good demographic mix of original residents & …

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