
A few words from Fr Joe…………………

I was invited to the home of a young woman whose wedding was coming up so that I could get to know her parents. The senior couple lived in a very fine house, with large well-proportioned rooms, many open fires, lovely art on the walls and then as the invitation was...

A few words from Fr Joe………………

In January 2023 I drove down to Limerick with a couple of friends to see the retrospective exhibition of the German Irish sculptor and artist, Imogen Stuart being held in Mary Immaculate College. I was excited to see her work as I first became aware of her when I was...

Christ, our hope, is risen! Alleluia!

Christ, our hope, is risen! Alleluia! We greet this day with thanksgiving and praise. Christ our hope is risen and we want to announce it by our life and our joy. This is how we see Peter in the First Reading.  He is addressing Cornelius and his household, recounting...

Ash Wednesday

This Wednesday, 14th February, Ash Wednesday, we begin the season of Lent, a time to prepare our hearts for the new life which Jesus brings at Easter. Just as nature awakens to growth and new life at this time of year, each Lent invites us to bring springtime to our...


Commencing on Thursday, 15th February (and each Thursday during Lent) after 10am Mass in the Sacristy meeting room. We shall be looking for the meaning and insight into the Sunday Gospels for Lent. Please join us on this Lenten Journey. All are welcome.  

You are my Child, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’

Today’s feast of the Baptism of Our Lord follows on from the Epiphany. It can be seen as a second manifestation of Christ, as the heavens are opened before the whole world. Through Christ’s baptism, in which the entire Trinity is present (Gospel), the world is made...

‘Prepare a way for the Lord!’

Advent is a sacred time of longing and preparation for the Lord; a time for waking up to listen to the Spirit calling deep within us. The words of Isaiah (First Reading) bring to this Sunday’s liturgy a cry of consolation for a people desperate for peace. As we make a...

A few words from Fr. Joe….

Many of our schools have Advent services at this time. It is truly amazing to see and hear our young people sharing the story of Christmas in word and song. At one service during the week not only did they sing superbly, read strongly but they also drew words and...

‘Stay awake! Be ready!’

As we begin the season of Advent, the readings continue to focus (as in recent weeks) not just on the coming of Christ at the end of time, but also on his coming in our own lives. The people of Israel, newly returned from exile, find the task of rebuilding their land...