In January 2023 I drove down to Limerick with a couple of friends to see the retrospective
exhibition of the German Irish sculptor and artist, Imogen Stuart being held in Mary
Immaculate College. I was excited to see her work as I first became aware of her when I was a teenager in school. She was a close friend of Mgr. Tom Fehily, the then parish priest in Castleknock, and he spoke of her very often. Then when I went to Maynooth, outside the
newly opened John Paul II Library stood her huge sculpture of the Holy Father leaning down to embrace two children. Even though you only saw the top of his head, and the roll of his shoulders, his hands embracing their heads, there was no doubt who it was carved in stone. This sculptor’s gift of finding their subject in a block of stone, by chipping away until that person is revealed just amazes me. Imogen Stuart died this week aged 96. She was often chosen by parishes and religious communities to undertake commissions and bit by bit over the years of her long life she worked in may mediums to reveal her unique insight into how the spiritual realm can be depicted for us to ‘see’ and reflect. Artists have that great gift of putting something that comes out of their imagination into our sacred spaces, so that we can grapple with God we cannot see. I understand that the unique, red robed Christ on the Cross, in Kilmacud is by her. So do look around during this Holy Week at the various crucifixes, stations, stained glass and marvel at the skill of the artists who created them and allow their work to support our journey of faith in Christ crucified and Risen.

Many thanks to all who worked so hard to prepare, and participate in the Holy Week and
Easter ceremonies. We are blessed to have so many people with energy and commitment to bring these special days to life for us all.