As we begin this journey through Lent, we trust in the call of the Spirit who beckons us out into the wilderness, to see more clearly, to love more dearly, and to follow, more nearly, the Lord of Life.

The First Reading shows that faith in the Lord leads to deliverance into life and fullness. It anticipates something of the saving power of Christ which brings fullness of life.

St Paul, in his letter to the Romans (Second Reading), reminds us that this salvation is very near, because the Word is alive and active in our hearts and on our lips.

The Psalm speaks of the Lord who is with us in all our distress, and in whom we can trust – while the Gospel sees Jesus himself putting his trust in the Father. Overcoming his testing, he continues to walk in the way of love.

Let’s pray, this week, that we stay close to Jesus as we journey with him toward his Passion in Holy Week. Lord, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from every kind of evil. Amen.