The scripture readings this week highlight the importance of gratitude.  It is shown to be that perfect response to the Lord’s constant goodness to us.  Whatever cleansing we are seeking or hardships we are bearing (First Reading), the Lord has been, is, and will work for our good.

He will do this on our behalf through his right hand and holy arm (Psalm).

And however wavering our own stance to God might be, God is always faithful to us (Second Reading).

For St Ignatius, ingratitude was ‘the most abominable of all sins’ and in the Gospel we see it is the ‘foreigner’ – a Samaritan – who turns back to give thanks for his healing.  Jesus appreciates this and encourages him in his faith, something the other nine miss.

This coming week, I might quietly reflect upon the ways my gratitude can be seen to be simply an echo of grace – my response to what God has already given.