The readings this week focus on the generosity of the Lord who feeds his children ‘till they want no more’, both physically and spiritually.

In the First Reading, Elisha, the man of God, feeds a hundred people with only twenty barley loaves. Despite the misgivings of Elisha’s servant, everyone is fed and there are some left over.

This story is of course the precursor of the feeding of the five thousand, which is today’s Gospel. Despite Philip and Andrew’s doubts, five loaves and two fish feed everyone, and yet twelve baskets are still left over.

The Psalm continues the same theme of God feeding his creatures, using the image of God opening his hands to give his people the spiritual or physical food they desire.

In the Second Reading, Paul reminds us that we must preserve unity and peace as we are all part of one Body, sustained by one faith in God the Father of all.

This week then, I might pray that all those who hunger for food and for God may be satisfied. I also ask the Lord to help me give generously when I come across people in need, and to find ways of working towards greater unity and peace.