Praise to God and joy in God’s merciful love, justice and peace are themes which run through the readings for this Sunday.

The First Reading from Zechariah describes how God will defeat his enemies and establish himself as king – not through war and aggression, but with humility and peace.

The Psalm is a great hymn of praise, central to the Jewish faith.
It speaks of God’s kindness and compassion to all, and offers us the reassurance that the Lord will always be faithful and loving, ready to support and raise us up when we fall.

In the Second Reading, Paul reminds the Romans, and ourselves, of what the suffering and death of Jesus has achieved for us. He speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

In today’s Gospel, through his own prayer to his Father in heaven, Jesus reminds us that he is the one who will reveal God to us. Humility and gentleness are the virtues he emphasises; rest and freedom from burdens are the gifts he promises.