An understanding of the true teaching of the Law is presented in different ways in this week’s readings.

In the First Reading from Leviticus, Moses receives instructions to tell the people to become more like their God in their dealings with others. ‘Be holy for I am holy.’

St Paul, in the Second Reading, reminds the Corinthians that the indwelling of the Spirit makes them sacred. This is more important than all their divisions. In Christ we are all the temple of God.

The Psalm, uniting these readings, is a prayer of praise and gratitude to the God who is love and compassion: he heals, forgives and redeems us.

Jesus, in the Gospel, is like the new Moses. He is the new law-giver, taking the teaching of the Law to a deeper, more demanding level. Being ‘perfect like our heavenly Father is perfect’ asks us to assume Jesus’s values and treat our neighbour as a brother or sister in Christ.

Maybe this week, we can consider these values – perhaps not always shared by those around us – and pray for the grace to be more accepting of all whom we encounter.

‘Father, keep before us the wisdom and love you have revealed in your Son. Help us to be like him in word and deed’