On the occasion of the induction of FR JOE MULLAN
as our new Parish Priest. Sunday 26th January @ 11.15am Mass

On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council (John, Clodagh, Jennifer, Kay,
Martina, Susanne and myself) and the Parish, and all of us here this morning,
we welcome you, Fr Joe, as our new Parish Priest of Mount Merrion.
You have promised today to serve us, the people of this Parish of Mount Merrion and you are now entrusted to our care

we in turn, as a Parish,
will assist you and work with you
in a spirit of service
and in a spirit of humility and faith,
as you carry out your pastoral
ministry amongst us.
May God bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make his face to shine
upon you and be gracious to you;
and give you peace.

On this special morning
let us all joyfully welcome Fr Joe with a warm round of applause.

Thank you.
Audrey O’Sullivan,
Parish Pastoral Council